Allowed File Types

You are able to uploaded any file provided the file is not larger than the maximum file upload size (50 MB), it is an allowed file format and you have sufficient storage space available. Your Storage ‘Space Used’ is displayed in your media library (Media > Library) and is based on all the files in your media library.

Before uploading files to your blog, please ensure that you own, or have permission to distribute them. If you do not own the files, and do not have express permission from the owner or copyright holder, you aren’t allowed to use on your blog.

Refer to Fair use, copyright and introductions to using images to learn more.

Allowed File Types include:





.gif – must be inserted as full size image for animated gifs to play.



.doc, .docx

.ppt, .pptx

.xls, .xlsx


Documents are inserted into a post or page as a link.  When readers click on the link to the file it either opens up in another web browser or downloads the file onto their computer.  

If you would like to embed an actual document, you can use the Embed Any Document plugin.





.mp3, .m4a and .wav can be embedded in posts using the Embed Media player.


.mp4, .m4v






mp4 and m4v can be embedded in posts using the Embed Media player. Other video formats are inserted as a link.


. ins, .isf, .te, .xbk, .ist, .kmz, .kes, .flp, .wxr, .xml, .fjsw, .kmz, .zip, .epub